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Pet Anxiety

Witnessing your beloved pet struggle with anxiety can be a heartbreaking experience. Whether it manifests as frantic pacing when you leave the house or excessive barking at unfamiliar sounds, pet anxiety can significantly impact their quality of life. At University Parkway Animal Hospital in Jackson, TN, we prioritize both the physical and emotional health of our furry companions. Our experienced veterinarians can help you decipher the root causes of your pet's anxiety and develop a personalized treatment plan to restore their sense of calm.

Pet Anxiety

The Underlying Causes of Pet Anxiety

Separation anxiety is a prevalent culprit behind pet anxiety, particularly in dogs. These social creatures rely on the presence and interaction with their human companions for comfort and security. When left alone for extended periods, they may experience distress and exhibit anxious behaviors such as destructive chewing, excessive barking, or inappropriate urination/defecation.

However, pet anxiety extends beyond separation woes. Environmental or routine changes can also be significant triggers. Pets thrive on predictability and familiarity. Events like moving to a new home, introducing a new pet, or altering daily schedules can disrupt their sense of security and trigger feelings of unease and apprehension. Loud noises like thunderstorms or fireworks can also induce anxiety in some pets.

Additionally, certain medical conditions or underlying pain can manifest as anxious behavior in pets. For instance, pets with arthritis might exhibit anxiety due to discomfort when moving around. It's crucial to consult a veterinarian to rule out any physical causes before solely attributing the behavior to anxiety.

How Veterinarians Help Manage Pet Anxiety

Veterinarians play a pivotal role in managing pet anxiety by offering a multi-faceted approach tailored to each individual animal. Through comprehensive assessments that include a detailed medical history and behavioral observations, veterinarians can pinpoint the specific triggers for your pet's anxiety.

Once the underlying cause is identified, veterinarians can recommend a course of treatment that may encompass various strategies. Behavioral modification techniques are often a cornerstone of any treatment plan. These techniques involve rewarding calm behaviors and gradually exposing your pet to their anxiety triggers in a controlled setting, helping them develop coping mechanisms.

Veterinarians may also recommend the use of calming aids like pheromone diffusers or anti-anxiety wraps to create a more serene environment for your pet. In some cases, medication might be necessary to manage severe anxiety symptoms, but this would only be prescribed by a veterinarian after careful consideration of your pet's overall health.

Contact University Parkway Animal Hospital Today

If you're concerned about your pet's anxiety, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Our team at University Parkway Animal Hospital in Jackson, TN, is dedicated to providing your pet with the care and support they need to thrive. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with a veterinarian near you and discuss a personalized treatment plan for your furry friend.

Sign up using the form below or call (731) 661-0711 to make an appointment.

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What University Parkway Vet Clients Say

Took my kitten there today (they are not closed, as the Facebook page says!), and loved it! Very kind, friendly staff who really give their time and attention to your pet! Highly recommend!

Kippi Wood Adams

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